
Choosing the Right Flower Supplier

It is important to choose the right flower supplier since their services can make or unmake a florist. For example, a late delivery or a batch of limp flowers can easily ruin a business, no matter how established. One must be cautious in order to preserve the initial investment in the business and one of the things to really look out for are good flower suppliers. Thus, here are some points to evaluate in choosing the right supplier for your shop:

1. Quality: What do the flowers look like? Are they carefully cut and without any sign of rot? Does the company have quality control? Make sure to inquire about this, first and foremost. Ask to be shown some flowers and as much as possible, don’t settle for pictures only.

2. Freshness: Are the flowers fresh? How long do they stay fresh? Costumers want to enjoy their flowers as long as possible. Flowers wilting just after two to three days of delivery is bad for business.

3. Experience: How long has the supplier been in business? Experience speaks for itself. An established supplier will save you the headache of fine-tuning not only the products but the services too in start-up companies.

4. Staff: Are their staff professional? The flower supplier must have a thoroughly trained staff who can help you on the spot. A good staff can save both you and your supplier time ironing out details and solving complaints from both sides.

5. Delivery service: How fast do they deliver? Flowers are fragile things, prone to crushing, rot, and disease. Shipment should not take long so that the flowers will remain fresh.

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