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Charity Auctions and Halloween Themes

Halloween always sparks many peoples’ creativity for wild themed costumes and fun creative parties. Wanting to break the mold of the traditional charity auction? Consider “Halloween 2.0”. Your charity auction could incorporate a costume party or just celebrate Halloween all over again at another time of year, just like Christmas in July. 

However, don’t get “tricked” out of a good charity auction by not planning ahead. Included in the theme can be neat ideas for the food, a costume contest, the ideas are endless! You may consider memorable clips from Halloween-type movies such as Charlie Brown’s The Great Pumpkin, Fat Albert’s Halloween Special, Nightmare Before Christmas, etc.

Make sure that all your staff, and even the auctioneer, agree to come to the event in costume. I am sure you have a Halloween enthusiast who works or volunteers for your organization. If you choose a themed-costume party, consider hiring actors or performers that promote the theme in a dramatic way. A local acting school or high school drama club may agree to do this at no charge. The musical entertainment can also contribute to the theme with style and look. Keep in mind that people tend to spend more money when they are talkative, excited, and upbeat. Having an overly peaceful, relaxed atmosphere is not the best choice for a fundraising mood. For a more cost-effective option, consider purchasing several movie soundtracks that support your theme.

A word of caution – do not let your theme detract from the focus of fundraising. Keep the program scheduled to ensure that guests are focused on the silent auction and the live auction at the appropriate times.

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