
Fun Corporate Party Ideas – Halloween

Halloween parties do well because unlike Christmas, it is not celebrated for an entire month which can be stressful and on top of that you have to worry about purchasing gifts for your colleagues in addition to your family. Halloween parties also do well because it is an escape for employees to be whom or whatever they want to be for the night.

First, try choosing a convenient location and try to veer away from the office. Make sure to include many games, costume contests and prizes such as corporate gift baskets. When it comes to a location search for a space in which you are free to decorate and let your creative side out. Don’t be afraid to ask your colleagues or employees for left over Halloween decorations to add to your corporate Halloween party.

Once you choose your location, decide on the menu for the night. Some ideas to save money include having a potluck. During work hours, pass around a signup sheet in which your employees will write down what they will be bringing to the party. Encourage employees to bring more items offer an up a Halloween pastry contest, a chili contest or a soup contest. This will add more excitement to the party and encourage your employees to be creative. Decide if you are going to have alcoholic beverages and if so, decide if it will be an open bar. Also, let you guests know if they are allowed to bring guests and if so notify each employee on their guest limit.

If you want to make your corporate Halloween party exciting, select a theme. By selecting a theme this will give everyone an idea on what to wear. For example, you can have 70s or 80s party and have employees dress up as their favorite famous person during that era. You can also have employees dress up as their favorite fairy tale character, cartoon character, or favorite celebrity.


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